La mission des deux informateurs a été prolongée jusqu’au 28 janvier

Les deux informateurs Georges-Louis Bouchez et M. Joachim Coens ont a été reçu par Sa Majesté, le Roi Philippe ce 13 janvier au palais royal, pour la remise de leur 2ème rapport, au terme de 24 jours a de travail acharné. Lire l’intégralité de l’article sur le lien ci-dessous. Ghislain Zobiyo

About Ghislain Zobiyo

Journalist Reporter and contributor to Xinhua News Agency in charge of the European institutions news and Belgian federal government news since 2018. Managing Director of Brussels Information Press Media and editor of the news website This site is dedicated to the news of the diaspora, to North-South cooperation of any kind in general and particularly between the European Union and the Organization of African, Caribbean and Pacific States, between the EU and the African Union. Brussels, capital of the European institutions and headquarters of NATO, is also at the heart of our current affairs. It is an exceptional and cosmopolitan city where more than 184 nationalities and cultures of the world live, meet and exchange. Our information site also gives a special place to the African culture.

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