UNPO’s support to terrorist group ONLF is unacceptable

On 11 September 2017, the Brussels-based NGO Unrepresented Nations & Peoples Organization (UNPO) published a press release by the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) on its website. One month later, on 9 October 2017, UNPO published another press release by the ONLF supporting false claims about the government of Ethiopia. This support of UNPO to the ONLF, which is listed as a terrorist organization by the Ethiopian Parliament, is unacceptable.
On its website, UNPO is stating that the transfer of Mr Abdikarin Sheikh Muse, an ONLF’s executive, from Somalia to the Ethiopian authorities entails “international and national laws violations” and that ONLF has done “efforts” “to undertake peaceful negotiations with Ethiopia”. Under this statement, UNPO is publishing a press release written by the ONLF itself.
ONLF is using violence to fight against the elected government of Ethiopia, and it has claimed the life of many innocent civilians. By instigating violence and advocating armed struggle, ONLF is a threat to the peaceful coexistence of the nations, peoples and nationalities of Ethiopia. For these reasons, it has been listed as a terrorist organization by the House of Peoples’ Representatives of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.
Although these facts are clear and of public knowledge, UNPO has repeatedly supported, advocated and provided a platform to ONLF and other terrorist organizations including the Oromo Liberation Front and Ginbot 7, with the support of some Members of the European Parliament. This support of UNPO to ONLF and other terrorist organizations is unacceptable and should be condemned by European authorities.
The Ethiopian people and government are working hard to create the conditions for a more prosperous and peaceful country. Over the last two decades, Ethiopia’s economy has grown tremendously, and it is one of the only African country to have achieved most of the Millennium Development Goals on time. It is now working its way to implement the Sustainable Development Goals and reach the status of a middle-income country by 2025. Its destabilization by terrorist groups would be detrimental not only to the Ethiopian people, but also the Horn of Africa region and to Europe.

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Embassy of Ethiopia in Brussels

About Ghislain Zobiyo

Journalist Reporter and contributor to Xinhua News Agency in charge of the European institutions news and Belgian federal government news since 2018. Managing Director of Brussels Information Press Media and editor of the news website www.bipmedia.be. This site is dedicated to the news of the diaspora, to North-South cooperation of any kind in general and particularly between the European Union and the Organization of African, Caribbean and Pacific States, between the EU and the African Union. Brussels, capital of the European institutions and headquarters of NATO, is also at the heart of our current affairs. It is an exceptional and cosmopolitan city where more than 184 nationalities and cultures of the world live, meet and exchange. Our information site also gives a special place to the African culture.

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